Monday, October 27, 2008

The First of Many :)

I came across a blog posted by someone I went to High School with and thought that this would be a really good way to keep in touch with family that lives far away. I got a new outlook on life by reading her blogs. I have laughed and cried. Thank you for giving me a new prospective ;)

Family Update….
We bought a house in Roseville! We should be moving no later than the 21st of November :) I am so excited. I have decided that packing and painting is not fun!!

Connor is getting so big!! He started school at La Petite Academy a few months ago and is doing great! I can’t believe that he is almost 4 years old. He can count to 30 and say his ABC. He is really good at letter recognition. Connor was Spiderman for Halloween :)

I recently found out that I am PREGNANT with my first baby. I am 7 weeks and 2 days! I love Connor my stepson to death... Something is very different about getting to carry my baby. Other than the Morning/All day sickness that I have been having I am on cloud 9. Mark and I have been trying for about 4-5 months now and I was starting to think that it was never going to happen. I know that isn't very long compared to how long it takes a lot of people.

This last weekend Mark and I went to San Diego to visit his Aunt, Uncle, and Grandmother. We also got to see my brother who is a US Marine at Camp Pendleton. He recently moved off base with his girlfriend Rachel. There apartment is so cute!! Although it was a lot of fun I don't think that I will be flying anytime soon. (Unless I am made to by my work) I was so uncomfortable the entire trip. My loving husband decided that every time I moved it meant that I needed to throw up. Which wasn't the case at all. I was just tired of sitting. The flight was seriously and hour and 25 min...not long at all. It made me wonder how I sat on any of my flights for work to the east coast. Crazy! I am so forgetful lately and I didn't take any pictures while we were visiting :( But here are some cute pics of my brother and Rachele :)