Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Who would have thought!

Mark and I have tried to think of all the ways that the new baby would affect my stepson Connor. Obviously we were not thinking of what he currently goes through and how different it would be.

Currently his Dad and I have him Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other weekend. It averages out to be 3 days a week. We just realized that he is starting to notice that his mommy lives in a different house than his dad... they never stay the night in the same house.... and he is always being shuffled around. We were watching TV a few weeks ago (John and Kate plus 8) when he said to me they are like Sarah and Daddy. I asked him what he meant. He said Daddy and Sarah live together and so do they. Keep in mind at his Mom's/Grandma's house he is the only male in the entire house. I thought to myself WOW he is really putting things together.

Last week Mark had to run out and exchange some chairs that we bought because they were too big for the table. (God forbid we measure before we buy things) I was eating dinner with Connor when he was telling me that his mom would need to feed the baby. I just sat there in shock. He continued to tell me that the baby would also be staying the night at his Mom's. I hadn't even thought of the fact that he had no clue about the living situation after the baby was born. Mark and I had a long talk after he went to bed on how we would tackle this one. YIKES!

Blurry but cute pic of Connor on X-mas eve :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

A day at the mall.

Mark and I took Connor to go see Santa on Saturday. He was so excited. He knew exactly what he wanted to ask him for. A bat mobile from the new batman movie. I am very sure that he hasn't seen the movie but has see the toy on a commercial. So off we went to the mall. Connor being a very apprehensive 3 almost 4 year old we had to really talk up Santa. We met my Aunt, Uncle, and cousin's at the mall. I thought that if Connor saw Taylor who is 2 going to sit on Santa's lap then he would think that he could do it too. And what do you know IT WORKED!! Of course I forgot that pic at home but I do have a few others :)

We were walking around after our meeting with Santa and Mark noticed a Journey's for kids. My face dropped as soon as I heard the words come out of his mouth. I knew that we would be spending money :( So we walked in and of course Mark loved every shoe that would fit Connor's feet. I looked over and Connor was telling the young girl that worked there how he just sat on Santa's lap and how he could snap. Mark was distracted by the same conversation and looked over at me with a smile and said "that's my boy... picking up on the ladies". It was all very cute. So we picked out a pair of shoes against my better judgment. I have always been against buying expensive shoes for little kids cause their feet grow so fast. I thought about it and Connor only has a few things that are really his and he treasures those things. Going from our house to his mom's and back. I can't even imagine how hard that would be. We obviously can't afford to buy him shoes like this every time but it is nice every once and a while :) Of course Mark found a hat too so we got that. He also needed new pants and a white collared shirt to go under his vest for Christmas. It was an expensive day but it was all worth it to see the look excitement on his face :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Totally bummed!

So I had a Doctor’s appointment today. I was all excited this morning I get there and checked in I was talking with the MA. My doctor came in and I found out that she wasn’t even going to do an Ultrasound and we couldn’t hear the heartbeat. I am almost 12 weeks shouldn't I be able to hear something? I told her that the NP that I saw about 5 weeks ago couldn't get an accurate measurement of the baby because I was only approximately 6 weeks and 1 day. So she did an internal one again and the baby was way too close to see it well. I was totally bummed. The only good part was that I could see the heartbeat and that made me feel better. Oh and I lost a pound even though I feel like I have gained about 20 :( and I am 1 day further along that they thought. 11 weeks and 5 days :) So I guess that is OK. O well maybe next time.

Monday, December 15, 2008


So we finally got our house cleaned up. No more boxes everywhere!!!! I will have pictues soon but for now I have one of our Christmas tree. I know I know Christmas is almost here and it is kind of a waste of time to put it up now and then take it down next week but whatever. It doesn't feel like Christmas with out a Christmas tree :)

I really hope to have pictures of the house up tomorrow! Tomorrow is my 12week Dr. apointment so I will also have a new Ultrasound picture. Men are so funny. My husband was talking to one of his friends yesterday and I just happend to overhear him say..."Yeah the last Ultrasound we didn't get to see much and aparently this time it is supposed to have arms and legs". Too funny! You would think after having a child already he would know this stuff but he didn't get to be a part of the pregnancy last time. (Under no fault of his own!)

I am happy to report that I am not getting sick everyday all day. Just here and there :) Yea!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Good news!! We are officially homeowners today!! Good thing cause almost of our stuff is moved :) I will put some pictures up as soon as I unpack the camera...OOPS!

I am so freaking tired! I am not sleeping at night so it makes for really long days. I really wish men knew how exhausting being pregnant is! I haven't been really moody which is a good thing. I have been really sick but I think it is starting to get better. I have not thrown up at all today. That has to be some kind of a record!

I am looking forward to going home and laying in bed for a few min then off to unpack. FUN STUFF!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is this part almost over!

Ok... So I figured that I would use this to kind of document my pregnancy :) This morning I think I threw up harder than I ever have!!! Poor Mark.. I get up so early for work and it seems that I wake him up every time I throw up. This morning it was about 3:30 and for some reason I couldn't stop crying. He kept asking me what was wrong and I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't stop. He said that he was sorry and I told him that it wasn't his fault. He then brought it to my attention that it was in fact his fault that I am pregnant. That made me laugh....It makes things so much better when he makes me laugh!

Yesterday was a good day. I didn't get sick at all. I felt nauseous but I kept everything down!! That was the first time in about 4 weeks.

We are moving into a smaller house so we are trying to get rid of all the extra furniture that we have. Mark's ex (Connor's Mom) Kim needed new couches so we decided to give 2 of our 4 to her. Mark got home from work and he decided that he would try to clean them before we took them over. BAD IDEA!! He sprayed this stuff on the cushions and it left swirly marks all over them. Oh well... there was nothing we could do at that point. Me being pregnant I couldn't help him put them in the truck to take them over so he thought that he would do it by himself. He got it done but it was a little stressful for me. We got to her house and I went inside. Connor was sooooo wound up. I know it had something to do with us being there. He was playing football in the living room :) Everything worked out and we have less furniture to move now!!! Tuesday when we had Connor I decided to take him in my room to watch a video. Kind of bonding time because anyone who has a 3 almost 4 year old knows that watching a movie isn't a quiet thing to do. I ended up falling asleep and Mark came upstairs right as the movie was ending. Connor was still awake and he told Mark... "Sarah's sleeping..... and I am watching her". I thought that was so cute!! He is such a good little boy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The First of Many :)

I came across a blog posted by someone I went to High School with and thought that this would be a really good way to keep in touch with family that lives far away. I got a new outlook on life by reading her blogs. I have laughed and cried. Thank you for giving me a new prospective ;)

Family Update….
We bought a house in Roseville! We should be moving no later than the 21st of November :) I am so excited. I have decided that packing and painting is not fun!!

Connor is getting so big!! He started school at La Petite Academy a few months ago and is doing great! I can’t believe that he is almost 4 years old. He can count to 30 and say his ABC. He is really good at letter recognition. Connor was Spiderman for Halloween :)

I recently found out that I am PREGNANT with my first baby. I am 7 weeks and 2 days! I love Connor my stepson to death... Something is very different about getting to carry my baby. Other than the Morning/All day sickness that I have been having I am on cloud 9. Mark and I have been trying for about 4-5 months now and I was starting to think that it was never going to happen. I know that isn't very long compared to how long it takes a lot of people.

This last weekend Mark and I went to San Diego to visit his Aunt, Uncle, and Grandmother. We also got to see my brother who is a US Marine at Camp Pendleton. He recently moved off base with his girlfriend Rachel. There apartment is so cute!! Although it was a lot of fun I don't think that I will be flying anytime soon. (Unless I am made to by my work) I was so uncomfortable the entire trip. My loving husband decided that every time I moved it meant that I needed to throw up. Which wasn't the case at all. I was just tired of sitting. The flight was seriously and hour and 25 min...not long at all. It made me wonder how I sat on any of my flights for work to the east coast. Crazy! I am so forgetful lately and I didn't take any pictures while we were visiting :( But here are some cute pics of my brother and Rachele :)