Thursday, November 20, 2008

Is this part almost over!

Ok... So I figured that I would use this to kind of document my pregnancy :) This morning I think I threw up harder than I ever have!!! Poor Mark.. I get up so early for work and it seems that I wake him up every time I throw up. This morning it was about 3:30 and for some reason I couldn't stop crying. He kept asking me what was wrong and I couldn't tell him. I just couldn't stop. He said that he was sorry and I told him that it wasn't his fault. He then brought it to my attention that it was in fact his fault that I am pregnant. That made me laugh....It makes things so much better when he makes me laugh!

Yesterday was a good day. I didn't get sick at all. I felt nauseous but I kept everything down!! That was the first time in about 4 weeks.

We are moving into a smaller house so we are trying to get rid of all the extra furniture that we have. Mark's ex (Connor's Mom) Kim needed new couches so we decided to give 2 of our 4 to her. Mark got home from work and he decided that he would try to clean them before we took them over. BAD IDEA!! He sprayed this stuff on the cushions and it left swirly marks all over them. Oh well... there was nothing we could do at that point. Me being pregnant I couldn't help him put them in the truck to take them over so he thought that he would do it by himself. He got it done but it was a little stressful for me. We got to her house and I went inside. Connor was sooooo wound up. I know it had something to do with us being there. He was playing football in the living room :) Everything worked out and we have less furniture to move now!!! Tuesday when we had Connor I decided to take him in my room to watch a video. Kind of bonding time because anyone who has a 3 almost 4 year old knows that watching a movie isn't a quiet thing to do. I ended up falling asleep and Mark came upstairs right as the movie was ending. Connor was still awake and he told Mark... "Sarah's sleeping..... and I am watching her". I thought that was so cute!! He is such a good little boy!


sheree said...

ugh. I can't remember how many weeks you are now, but I hope this yucky part is over for you soon. With my son, I was sick the first 12 weeks. With my daughter it was the ENTIRE pregnancy. I found the ONE thing that helped was taking a unisom tablet and a vitamin B6 at night before bed. This was actually suggested by a couple of nurses and my doctor when I just couldn't take the nausea anymore. Maybe you should ask your doctor at your next appointment. I SWEAR it works!

The Irwin Family said...

Thank you so much for the advise!! I called an advise nurse at Kaiser to ask if this would be ok for me to do and she said that it would be fine. I tried it last night and I feel so much better this morning!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

sheree said...

oh good! I have kaiser too so that's where I heard it :)

Glad it seemed to help a bit!