Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Totally bummed!

So I had a Doctor’s appointment today. I was all excited this morning I get there and checked in I was talking with the MA. My doctor came in and I found out that she wasn’t even going to do an Ultrasound and we couldn’t hear the heartbeat. I am almost 12 weeks shouldn't I be able to hear something? I told her that the NP that I saw about 5 weeks ago couldn't get an accurate measurement of the baby because I was only approximately 6 weeks and 1 day. So she did an internal one again and the baby was way too close to see it well. I was totally bummed. The only good part was that I could see the heartbeat and that made me feel better. Oh and I lost a pound even though I feel like I have gained about 20 :( and I am 1 day further along that they thought. 11 weeks and 5 days :) So I guess that is OK. O well maybe next time.

1 comment:

sheree said...

aww! What a cute little jelly bean, haha!